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We Have The Gadget You Want!

Immerse yourself in a world of seamless performance and unmatched convenience. Whether you're a tech enthusiast, a fashion-forward individual, or someone who values efficiency, our product is tailored just for you. Its sleek design seamlessly blends style with substance, making it a standout choice in any setting.


Follow Koro

Social Media Marketing Platform.


My Dear Host

Domain names, Hosting, Website & Security Tools

InDev Services

Your secure and transparent fintech hub.

Blockchain-powered transactions for enhanced security.
Seamless P2P payments for effortless transfers.
Efficient international transactions to connect the world.
Convenient and secure cards for easy financial management.

PpolPay - cards
With PpolPay cards, you can enjoy
Your gateway to global financial freedom.

Access your funds and make purchases anywhere in the world.
Make secure and convenient transactions with a tap.
Access cash effortlessly at ATMs around the globe.
Keep tabs on your spending and manage your cards seamlessly.

YouTube Multi-channel Network

Empower your YouTube journey with our comprehensive MCN services, from channel optimization and monetization to community building and network collaboration. Achieve your YouTube goals and unleash your creativity with our expert guidance.

Two way payments
Flexibility and Convenience for Your YouTube Earnings

Choose from our flexible or daily payout options to access your YouTube earnings when you need them. Experience the convenience and control you deserve.


At its core, UmindAI is built upon state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms, leveraging the latest developments in neural networks and deep learning. This allows UmindAI to comprehend and process vast amounts of data with remarkable speed and accuracy, making it a powerful tool for various applications across industries.



Welcome to Triangle Entertainment Group (TEG), a North Dhaka Studio subsidiary. We're all about creating captivating movies, series, and music. Our goal? To provide you with exceptional content that resonates worldwide. Whether it's compelling stories or the latest tunes, TEG has it all. Join us on this creative journey, where entertainment knows no bounds. Explore with TEG!
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Game Development

we're all about gaming. Our North Dhaka Studio Interactive team crafts console games that offer excitement and immersion. We push creative and tech boundaries to ensure unforgettable gaming experiences. Join us for epic quests and adventures. North Dhaka Studio: Your gaming destination!
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